Q: Can I take Postinor -2 if I am not pregnant or I don’t know if I am?


Good morning,

Yes, whether or not you are pregnant you may take a dose of Postinor or several doses of Postinor.But, Postinor and other emergency contraceptive pills are NOT as effective as using a condom or an emergency copper T IUD.

What method of birth control are you planning to use in the long run?

Robert A. Hatcher MD, MPH

Emeritus Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Emory University School of Medicine

Atlanta, GA

To learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of emergency contraceptives, and condoms, go to: www.managingcontraception.com and click on Choices 2013 edition.  You can also order this wonderful new educational book from our website or by calling 404-875-5001.  Do you have your copy yet?  It is now available in English and Spanish.


Key Words:  emergency contraceptives, Postinor -2, pregnant, doses, effective, condoms, birth control, copper T IUD


Contraceptive Technology 20th Edition

Managing Contraception 2013-2014-Skyla Edition

Choices 2013