life is not for the faint of heart

Life is not for the faint of heart Bob Hatcher September 29, 2011                 No one ever said life would be easy but for some it is definitely easier than for others. I am constantly counting my blessing.  My gratitude list goes on and on and on....


My heroes and sheroes September 27, 2011                   Public health interventions are often controversial and family planning over the years has faced a veritable minefield of extraordinarily contentious issues. Fitzhugh Mullan of the George...

Let’s get serious about our habits!!!

Let’s get serious about our habits Bob Hatcher                 Getting serious about our habits is important.  And usually when a person has success it has been an inside job.                 Think about your habits.  Some are good...


Never just never Bob Hatcher September 6, 2011           Have often have you said: Never again will I put something on the top of the car while I am opening the door or putting something else into the car?  I have lost several coffee cups in this way.  It...