Not only does God rewrite genesis each spring, but life and God permit genesis to be rewritten in each of us on a daily basis. Each day offers new relationships, new ways to express love, new books to read and new crossword puzzles to test our memories and galvanize the transmission of new and old pathways in our brains.
         I have several friends who have been offered the chance to start again. Because of the miracles of modern medicine, their hearts are stronger and more dependable. It is happening due to the remarkable technology of open heart surgery in once case and a pacemaker in the other who celebrated his 75th birthday just a week ago. A surgical procedure taking just minutes to several hours – amazing work completed by skillful hands – can open up years of opportunities and the miracles of many more spring, summer, fall and winter mornings.
         Journals are a way some folks look at and reflect upon the precious beginnings going on within themselves on a daily basis. I came across one journal that I used for about a year recently. I was attracted to the bright orange, yellow and red journal on a trip to south Texas. The only words at the start of this book of blank pages were the words of an Apache blessing that said:
“May the sun bring you new energy by day,
May the moon softly restore you by night,
May the rain wash away your worries,
May the breeze blow new strength into your being,
May you walk gently through the world,
And know its beauty all the days of your life.â€
Read those words each day for a month or so and you will come to love them. These words adorn the cover of the journal on which a person can maintain a little daily diary. The pages are blank, except for very light lines. The book may be obtained by going to or by calling 212-420-7552. The Apache blessing is also reproduced in the November 20 entry of the book Something Nice to do 365 Days A Year.
So why do I write an article extolling the glories of springtime in the midst of this very warm 2010 summer? For a number of years there was a message on license plates in the county where I live that said something like this: “Rabun County, where spring comes and lasts all summer.†It’s true! We have so many flowers this summer that we look for places to bring them.