Questions and Answers
Hair Loss with Nexplanon
Question: “I have a patient that is complaining of hair loss after having Nexplanon placed. Is that common and if so, is there any treatment for it?” Answer: Dear Doctor H., Hair growth / loss is affected by hormones, especially progestins, so it may be a...
Are there new contraceptive management guidelines for states that have abortion bans/restrictions?
Question: Have any of the leaders in this field set forth any guidance re: providing care in restrictive states that could be deemed “providing abortions” (even though definitely not) - for ex removing an IUD following a +PT? placing an IUD more than 7...
Postmenopausal Bleeding
Question: "I am 45 years old recently menopausal based on no periods for 18 months and confirmation by labs. I recently was having pelvic pressure and went to my ob/gyn. He ordered a transvaginal ultrasound that showed thickened endometrium (15) which he said needed...
Vaginal Odor?
Question: I honestly think my vagina smells horrible all the time and I don't know if its in my head....... how do i go about fixing this? – Anonymous, 22 Answer: Dear Anonymous: The most common reason for odor is a condition called bacterial vaginosis (BV)...
Lost Birth Control Pill?
Question: I lost one of my birth control pills so I took the next days in the pack. Is that okay? What should I do if this happens. I don't want to get pregnant. – Anonymous Mouse Answer: Dear Anonymous Mouse, Yes—you can just continue with the other...
Yeast Cream and Vaginal Ring
Question: When my doctor gave me the vaginal ring for birth control, she said something about not using yeast cream. I think I have a yeast infection. Is it okay to buy a yeast cream? – Anne Answer: Dear Anne: You remembered correctly! There are two types of...
Is the morning after pill an abortion?
Question: The condom broke last night and I would like to take the morning after pill, but I heard it causes abortion. I’m not sure what to do. –Concerned Answer: Dear Concerned: Taking the morning after pill does not cause an abortion. The morning after...
Taking a Break from The Pill
Question: I’m 31 years old and I’ve been on the pill for 10 years. Should I go off to give my body a break? – Emma Answer: Dear Emma: If your health status has not changed since you started the pill, and you do not want to become pregnant at this...
Malpositioned IUD after post-placental insertion
Question: "D" had a Mirena IUD placed at the time of Cesarean section. At her 6-week visit, the strings could not be visualized; so, her provider ordered a pelvic US. The IUD is in utero at the level of the fundus but seems to be turned "sideways." Some of our team...
Abnormal gush of blood with an IUD in place
Question: Hi I’ve had a coil fitted for nearly 6 years and I’ve just lost a large amount of jelly like brown discharge. Is this normal Answer: The term coil is used outside the US to refer to a copper IUD, so I will answer the question assuming this is...