vasectomy diagram

Above is a daigram of what happens when a man has a vasectomy.

Why don’t men get it?  When a man and a woman have decided that they definitely want no more children, vasectomy may be the method to consider first.

A:        Vasectomy makes a vast difference in a man’s vas deferens!  When a man and a woman have decided that they definitely want no more children, vasectomy is often the method to consider first. 

By the time they want no more children, a woman will have bought and used most of the contraceptives; carried all the couples pregnancies to term; breastfed the babies (if breastfeeding has been used), and carried children to most (if not all) of the pediatric visits. If there have been side-effects or complications from contraceptives the woman has, in general, had them.  If there have been small or major complications from pregnancy, it is the woman who has experienced them.


Eventually the day comes when the couple wants no more children.  The decision is final!  The decision has been agreed upon by both husband and wife. NOW is the time for the man to stand up and be counted!!! 

Vasectomy is far less often used than tubal sterilization in spite of being more effective, less expensive and easier to perform than the operation for women.   Vasectomy also has fewer complications, (although both procedures are very, very safe). 

Here is a summary of the problems a mother of three had using the world’s most effective reversible contraceptive and her thoughts about her husband who will not have a vasectomy done. She says

“I am 29 years old with 3 kids and no plans of having anymore. This is my second time using the Mirena IUD. I’ve had it in for about four months now. A month ago I was sitting on the couch and started having very bad pelvic pain.”

“The following day, I went to an urgent care facility, where they told me that I had pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and wanted me to go to the hospital for intravenous antibiotics. They called my gynecologist, and he said that wasn’t necessary, just for me to come into his office Monday morning. I went to his office and he said there was no infection. He then did an ultrasound and saw free fluid behind my uterus.”

“So, fast forward: ever since then, sex is painful and I also get a stabbing pain in my right ovary. I went back to my doctor’s office today to have another ultrasound done. The doctor came in to do an examination.  Then he touched something that made me fly across the table. He then said he was going to check my Mirena.”

“Last night, after reading your email, I decided to check my strings.  I usually do this monthly and it always seemed they were where they needed to be.  The strings seemed very long and as I was checking them, my Mirena came out…right in my hand!”

“I can’t use any contraceptive estrogen. I am definitely limited on my options.  I would like for my husband to have a vasectomy, but he is too scared.  He had it scheduled and cancelled the day of my IUD expulsion.  My disappointment in him that day was indescribable.  Now, I think that we are just going to use condoms.  I don’t ever plan on having any more kids, but I feel that I gave birth three times and the least he could do is have a little snip.”

I think I agree with this woman and offered to talk to her husband.  I have no idea where in the country they are from so I gave her my phone number.  He hasn’t called.

Unfortunately, we men do less than our share in planning and raising children and in helping to avoid future pregnancies when that becomes a couple’s goal.