Am I still fully protected if my pill-taking sometimes varies by a 4 hour window?
The advantage of “exactly the same time†recommendations is that they mean a woman is not forgetting her pills for multiple days on end (which does happen).
Am I protected if I used the QuickStart method for my pills 10 days ago and then received a Depo injection?
I tried other sites and this is the first reply I received. This is definitely the place to get the right answers!
Amelia, Josh and Harry Potter
Exposing a young person to magnificent adventures through reading causes joy, independence and is fun to share with one’s children.
Bucket Lists and Dreams
So, what is on your wish list? Where do your dreams take you this day?
Big time athletics and predatory sexual abuse
As we hear more, and I am certain we will be hearing much more, it might be well to remember that there are high school and college coaches (and I think that this is the case for most of them) who are far more like John Wooden and Dean Smith than like Jerry Sandusky.
Come join us!
Come join us! Asking someone to participate in a volunteer activity is an easy way to include a new person in town in some worthwhile effort.
Doubt is Helpful – Certainty is Dangerous
Who ever, ever, ever said that life was going to be easy?
Writing a weekly column is sometimes easy!
“I told them to come get their vaccinations and to see the tallest man in the world!â€
Contraceptive Technology 20th Edition Delivery
First, let me thank you for your order. We are so excited about the 20th Edition! We are pleased to inform you that the books will be coming off the press the last week of October and should arrive in our warehouse the first of November. We will begin shipping all...
life is not for the faint of heart
Sometimes the answers elude us completely. Sometimes there is no answer.