A Balanced Budget Bob Fink Bob Hatcher March 4, 2011 For our federal government to have a balanced budget, it must do exactly what each of us must do if we want a balanced personal budget: spend no more than we take in. The temporary fix agreed upon the first week...
The FOG ZONE Whether you use or don’t use birth control, it doesn’t matter Why haven’t we seen a dramatic fall in the number of unplanned pregnancies given the remarkable advances in contraception over the past half century? It’s really sad. In the past 50...
LET’S GET SERIOUS……….. This is the title of the keynote address that Dr Hatcher will be giving next week at the CONTRACEPTIVE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE in San Francisco. The idea of getting serious about reducing the unintended pregnancy rate in this country is...
Why is condom use difficult in “trusting relationships that are NOT truly trusting relationships”? Robert A. Hatcher MD, MPH Â Q:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Elizabeth Scharf, would you share your take-home essay with us at Managing Contraception? A:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ...
Every single moment Bob Hatcher February 21, 2011    Every single moment we can be working toward a better world, a safer and healthier lifestyle, a closer relationship with one’s higher power or a better understanding of oneself. There are times when things...
Board-certified as an OB/GYN with a fellowship in contraceptive research and education, I aim to help people make informed decisions about their health.
I’ve co-authored sixteen editions of Managing Contraception* with over one million copies in circulation. I’m here to answer your questions about birth control.